Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Heritiera fomes (Sundri).

The Species Heritiera fomes is the characteristic of the forest of sundarbans and the frost is said to get its name from this tree ( Sundri ).

H. fomes is an evergreen tree with buttressed stem and grey longitudinally cracked bark with an average height  of 15 to 20  meters and diameter at breast height is 1 meter or less.It grows well in the north-eastern part of sundarban, where salinity is low and lebel of ground is intermediate. The species is a moderate light-demander,enduring more shade in youth than it does later. It produces prominent pneumatohores.

The leaves are simple, shortly petiolate, dark green on top while lower leaf surface silvery white. Mature leaf  15 to 20  cm. Long and  5 to 7  cm wide.

The flowers are simple, unisexual yellow orange in colour and organized in panicles. H. fomes flowers in March to April. The fruit carpel ripens in July-August. Individual fruit is  5 to 7  cm. Long and possesses a ridge on the outer edge. Germination hypogeal and takes  place very soon after the fruits fall. Wood of  H. fomes is very hard, weighty, durable and used for many purposes, specially for constructing culverts and making electric poles etc.


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